MACGYVER, a reimagining of the classic series, is an action-adventure drama about 20-something Angus “Mac” MacGyver, who is part of a clandestine organization within the U.S. government, where he uses his extraordinary talent for unconventional problem-solving and vast scientific knowledge to save lives. Joining his team on high-risk missions around the globe are Riley Davis, an unpredictable computer hacker with a chip on her shoulder; Wilt Bozer, Mac’s roommate and an agent on the team; Matty Weber, a legend in Covert Ops and the director of operations at the Phoenix Foundation; Desi Nguyen, whose job is to protect MacGyver and his team on their global missions; and Russ Taylor, quick-witted, Oxford-educated, ex-military skilled in propaganda and lie detection, who shakes things up by challenging the way MacGyver and the team are used to doing things. Under the aegis of the Phoenix Foundation, MacGyver takes on the responsibility of saving the world, armed to the teeth with resourcefulness and little more than bubble gum and a paper clip.
MACGYVER Season 1 Episode 2 Photos Metal Saw
“Metal Saw” – MacGyver and the team attempt to rescue Sarah (Amy Acker), Jack’s former CIA partner/ex-girlfriend who went missing ...
TV Reviews
CBS is bringing back MACGYVER this week, a rebooted series for a new generation. This show resets things at square ...
MACGYVER Season 1 Episode 1 Photos The Rising
MACGYVER Season 1 Episode 1 Photos The Rising : “The Rising” – Angus “Mac” MacGyver (Lucas Till) and Jack Dalton ...
Comic Con
SDCC Photos : MacGyver Lucas Till & George Eads
Mac is back! The action-adventure drama, and hugely popular, MACGYVER is coming back to CBS this fall in the reimagining ...
Comic Con
MacGyver Video Interviews San Diego Comic-Con
Mac is back! The action-adventure drama, and hugely popular, MACGYVER is coming back to CBS this fall in the reimagining ...
Justin Hires Joins The Cast Of MACGYVER
Justin Hires has joined the cast of the new action-adventure drama series MACGYVER, a reimagining of the classic series, premiering ...
MACGYVER First Look Promo
MACGYVER, a reimagining of the classic series, is an action-adventure drama about 20-something Angus “Mac” MacGyver (Lucas Till) who creates ...