FXX has ordered the new animated comedy series Little Demon, it was announced today by Nick Grad, President, Original Programming, FX Entertainment. The half-hour series is created and written by Darcy Fowler, Seth Kirschner and Kieran Valla, and features Danny DeVito, Aubrey Plaza and Lucy DeVito among the voice talent. Little Demon will premiere on FXX and be available to stream the following day on FX on Hulu.
Thirteen years after being impregnated by the Devil (Danny DeVito), a reluctant mother (Aubrey Plaza) and her Antichrist daughter (Lucy DeVito) attempt to live an ordinary life in Delaware, but are constantly thwarted by monstrous forces, including Satan, who yearns for custody of his daughter’s soul.
“Little Demon is a hilarious new animated horror comedy featuring Danny DeVito, Aubrey Plaza, Lucy DeVito and a host of other great talent,” said Grad. “Creators Darcy Fowler, Seth Kirschner and Kieran Valla have teamed up with Danny, Aubrey, Dan Harmon, Jake and Lucy DeVito, and ShadowMachine as executive producers on this unique new series for FXX.”
Aubrey Plaza serves as an executive producer along with Fowler, Kirschner, Valla, Dan Harmon, Jersey Films 2nd Avenue’s Jake, Lucy, and Danny DeVito, and ShadowMachine (Monica Mitchell, Corey Campodonico and Alex Bulkley). Steve Levy serves as a producer on the project. Little Demon is produced by FX Productions.
Fowler is represented by Manage-ment, Feig Law, Dani Super Management and UTA.
Kirschner is represented by Manage-ment and Feig Law.
Valla is represented by Anonymous Content and The Nord Group.
Plaza is represented by CAA.
Jersey Films 2nd Avenue, Danny DeVito and Jake DeVito are represented by CAA and Behr Abramson Levy LLP. Jersey Films 2nd Avenue’s EVP is Charley Beil.
Lucy DeVito is represented by Talentworks and Gallant Management.
Harmon is represented by CAA.
ShadowMachine is represented by CAA.
FXX is the newest basic cable entertainment network from FX, launched on September 2, 2013 and carried in 78 million homes. Geared towards a young adult audience, FXX features original series, movies, and acquired series. The channel is anchored by the acclaimed hit comedies It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the Emmy® Award-winning comedy series Archer, DAVE and Cake, a weekly showcase of short-form comedy programming. FXX is also the cable home to The Simpsons, the longest-running comedy in TV history.
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