Why Cell Phones Are Becoming A Danger On The Roads

With the vast majority of drivers on the road becoming increasingly distracted with their cell phones, it is no wonder that there are a significant number of collisions on the road each year. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) at least one in four collisions is caused by the driver being distracted by their cell phone. 1 

This tendency is also occurring amongst motorcyclist drivers as well who perhaps use their cell phone as a sat-nav, to play music or to take a call when they should be focusing their attention on the road ahead. Despite the high number of fatalities that occur when on a motorcycle, only 40% of riders that were involved in a collision appeared to be wearing a protective helmet. 2 This is certainly alarming when the use of a Motorcycle helmet can reduce the risk of death by almost 50% and the severity of a serious head injury by 69%. 3

There are various Motorcycle Insurances whereby you can get your protective helmet and riding gear included as well, which can certainly be useful if you were to find yourself in a collision with another vehicle. It also important to remember that each state may have varying laws so before driving through another state, you want to ensure that you will be fully protected under law, should anything happen during your journey.

  1. Over 100 Car Accident Statistics for 2020 | U.S. and Global- Safer America
  2. Motorcycle Accident Statistics (Updated for 2021) | Road Racerz
  3. Motorcycle Accidents — Statistics, Facts, and Trends in 2021- Carsurance