Screener Girl Checks Out The Season Premiere Of Grey’s Anatomy

Kevin McKidd On Grey'sPaging Kevin McKidd

I was disillusioned by Grey’s Anatomy last season.  What once had been the great Thursday night show that we set our clocks to had become a mockery of itself with ridiculous storylines (Izzie saves a deer is just the tip of the iceberg) and whiny lead characters that could drive a person insane.  When the show came back from the strike last season, it felt more focused, more fact-paced, exciting.  

Going into tonight’s 2 hour season premiere, I had good expectations.  After seeing what Shonda and crew could do after a much needed creative break last year, I thought for sure that Season 5 was going to blow us all away.  And it has, sort of.

There are many great things about the episode.  Christina Yang is back, and better than ever.  I didn’t like her as a quiet, wayward soul who was wounded because her precious Preston left and the horrid Erica took over.  Seeing her struggle in this first 2 hours is brilliant and proves why Sandra Oh is nominated for things again and again.  Gone is whiny Izzie Stevens from seasons past.  She’s starting to sort of have a back bone and the whole Izzie / Alex thing is done well. The Callie/Erica “did we really go there” reaction is quite subtle, and I love Mark Sloane in general (I’m sensing an interesting thing between him and another doc, and I don’t know if it’s on purpose or just Eric Dane exuding sexiness, so I’ll keep that to myself for now.  See if you can pick up on it).  I thought George fit nicely into the episode – he was more of a conversation piece than an actual member of the storyline.  And Bailey continues to be the coolest person on TV.  Also amazing?  Richard lays the smackdown on the hospital at the end of the episode and it’s so good.  

The guest cast that they’ve lined up is ridiculous.  Kathy Baker, Bernadette Peters, and Mariette Hartley play three best friends who are injured in a car accident.  These three women are so good; they moved me to no end.  Also amazing?  Kevin McKidd who so belongs on TV all the time.  The former Journeyman stops by long enough to save a few lives and impact one of our doctors’ lives in a big way.  Please, please, please tell me we’ll see him again and often because the idea of Seattle Grace without Owen Hunt is a sad future.

The only thing I didn’t like about this episode (aside from a few scenes thrown in there to flat out shock us for shock value’s sake) is anyone whose last name appears in the title.  Meredith Grey continues to be a whiny, annoying shell of a person and I hope that they give her more to do than complain all day.  Meredith happy is no different than Meredith dark and twisty, and she needs to snap out of it.  Lexie Grey is a pain in the ass, but I think there’s time for the show to redeem her.  I don’t know if the same can be said for Mere.

Overall, I think we’re back to Seattle Grace of the olden days (is it really the olden days if it’s only 5 years ago).  Tune in and tell us what you think