The miniseries Salt-N-Pepa follows the story of nursing students Cheryl “Salt” James and Sandra “Pepa” Denton as they fall into the world of rap and hip hop, after recording for a friend’s school project. Salt-N-Pepa made a huge impact in hip hop by being one of the first all-female rap groups, changing the look of hip hop and unafraid to talk about sex and share their thoughts on men. Salt-N-Pepa became the first female rap act to go platinum and experienced ground-breaking success with multiple Grammy wins, paving the way for all female rappers to follow. The miniseries will also feature their greatest hits like Let’s Talk About Sex, What a Man, Shoopand Push It, among others. Salt-N-Pepa is executive produced by Cheryl James, Sandra Denton and Jesse Collins. Queen Latifah and Shakim Compere also executive produce from Flavor Unit. The miniseries is co-executive produced by Andy Hume, Dionne Harmon and James “Jimmy” Maynes and written by Abdul Williams.