Mission Impossible Season 5 DVD Contest

Mission Impossible Season 5 DVD Contest

Seat42f and Paramount Home Entertainment have teamed up to give FIVE lucky winners a Season 5 DVD of Mission Impossible. For a chance to win just sign up for our newsletter. Only one entry per person. Contest ends October 14th. Winners will be notified on October 15th via email so make sure to use a valid email address when you signup. You are not obligated to remain a subscriber, and can unsubscribe any time after October 16th. All current subscribers are automatically entered in the drawing. Contest is open to US residents only.
DVD Release Date : October, 7th 2008
Actors: Peter Graves, Peter Lupus, Greg Morris, Leonard Nimoy, Lesley Ann Warren
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, TV
Synopsis: The hit series Mission: Impossible™ returns to DVD, featuring all 23 Season Five episodes! By the fifth season, the show's changing times meant changing crimes, as the emerging drug culture forced the IMF to spend more time in America, battling organized crime and drug czars. But the winning formula stayed the same: Jim Phelps (Peter Graves) gets his assignment, Barney Collier (Greg Morris) makes the required special effects, and Willy Armitage (Peter Lupus) supplies the muscle. And while Paris (Leonard Nimoy) has the makeup skills to become any character required, it's the team's newest member — the gorgeous Dana Lambert (Lesley Ann Warren) — who gives this season an added boost, and makes this set of Mission: Impossible™ the most thrilling DVD experience yet!
Runtime: 19 Hr. 15 Min. 20 Sec.
Languages: Brazilian Portuguese Subtitled, English Subtitled, Latin American Spanish Dubbed & Subtitled
Audio: 5.1 Surround, Mono, Restored English Mono
US Rating: N/R –