The iZOMBIE team at the Warner Bros. booth during Comic-Con 2014. Clockwise from left: Series star Malcolm Goodwin, co-creator and executive producer Rob Thomas, series stars Rahul Kohli, David Anders, Robert Buckley and Rose McIver, and co-creator and executive producer Diane Ruggiero-Wright. #WBSDCC (©2014 WBEI. All rights reserved.)
iZOMBIE Cast Signing At Comic Con
iZOMBIE Cast Signing At Comic Con

Rose McIver, who stars in iZOMBIE as Olivia “Liv” Moore, signs for fans of the upcoming series at the Warner Bros. booth at Comic-Con 2014. #WBSDCC (©2014 WBEI. All rights reserved.)

Malcolm Goodwin, who stars in iZOMBIE as Detective Clive Babineaux, signs for fans of the upcoming series at the Warner Bros. booth at Comic-Con 2014. #WBSDCC (©2014 WBEI. All rights reserved.)

Rahul Kohli, who stars in iZOMBIE as Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti, signs for fans of the upcoming series at the Warner Bros. booth at Comic-Con 2014. #WBSDCC (©2014 WBEI. All rights reserved.)

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