Seat42F and Film Movement have teamed up to give THREE lucky winners a copy of FRITZ LANG’S INDIAN EPIC on Blu-ray. For a chance to win send an email to and tell us your favorite holiday movie. Only one entry per person. Contest ends December 30th. Winners will be notified on December 31st via email.
After more than two decades of exile in Hollywood, master filmmaker Fritz Lang triumphantly returned to his native Germany to direct this lavish two-part adventure tale from a story he co-authored almost forty years earlier. Called to India by the Maharajah of Eschnapur, architect Harald Berger (Paul Hubschmid) falls in love with beautiful temple dancer Seetha (Debra Paget), who is promised to the Maharajah. Their betrayal ignites the ruler’s wrath, and the lovers are forced to flee into the desert for a series of spectacular adventures. Featuring breathtaking location photography and nail-biting suspense, this epic is highlighted by Paget’s erotic temple dance, a battle to the death with a man-eating tiger, sandstorms, a cave of lepers, and a bloody palace rebellion. Together these films provide a cinematic link between classic silent serials and the modern action thrills of Indiana Jones and The Mummy. Previously available in America as “Journey to the Lost City,” a radically condensed 90-minute version, these exotic masterpieces are presented in this 2-disc boxed set newly restored to their original splendor.

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