Comic-Con Video : New Promo For THE ORVILLE

Have a future in the future!  At San Diego Comic-Con, FOX launches one of the most cutting-edge fan opportunities ever, in which one lucky attendee will have his or her application to #JoinTheOrville randomly selected for the chance to be cryopreserved and revived in the year 2417. Prepare for your future by completing a one-of-a-kind application to discover what career best suits you on the intergalactic exploratory vessel the U.S.S Orville. Then, test your space mettle on a spinning gyroscope ride (an actual tool used by today’s astronauts) and see if you have what it takes to conquer space travel…the U.S.S. Orville wants YOU! Follow @TheOrville to find out when THE ORVILLE cast will make an appearance at the experience. Use #TheOrville to join the conversation.

Interested applicants can “apply” on site or online at, beginning Thursday, July 20. The Sweepstakes Official Rules, which will be on that site, will more fully describe the prize, entry requirements and all other rules governing the Join the Orville Sweepstakes.