Army Wives

Army Wives Season 3

Army Wives Season 3

Army Wives is back Sunday for its third season, picking up right where the cliffhanger-filled Season 2 ended, a few months back.  Claudia Joy’s daughter Emmalin, in act of rebellion because she REALLY didn’t want to go to Brussels, had taken off with her older boyfriend, on a quest to get married.  Ivan Sergei showed up long enough to fight Roxy for custody of The Hump Bar, and Denise got herself into some seriously dangerous waters, having cheated on her husband with the weasel-patient with the harsh ex-girlfriend.  Joan and Roland found out that she not only lost her post to that terrible Evan with the ridiculous wife (that took over Pamela’s radio show), but she was to ship out in three months.

All of these stories are dealt with in the premiere, each with the strong writing and great acting (Catherine Bell is being passed over for some serious award paydirt because she’s not on a major network) that we have seen over the seasons. My favorite storyline so far this year is the constant struggle that young Emmalin is facing, having never really mourned her older sister Amanda, and having to deal with the fact that her family is in two different parts of the world.  Katelyn Pippy, her portrayer, is handling it with grace, and it’s really touching.

Everything else is soapy and unbelievable, but in a really fun way that makes you feel for these characters like you knew them.  I think that they’re shaping up to have a season that’s even better than the last. Check it out Sunday night at 10, on Lifetime.