Is your partner celebrating a special birthday next month? Perhaps your friend is turning 30? No matter the occasion, buying a gift can be a difficult challenge, and it only seems to get harder and harder with every year that passes by. However, if you have only been considering objects and you haven’t looked into experience gifts, now is time for a change! Read on to discover why experiences make the perfect present…
We value memories, but we get tired of gifts – When we see a piece of jewellery we like or a game we want to play, we get excited about it for the moment. We may even cherish and enjoy it for a few weeks or months. However, this feeling soon starts to fade, and we typically find we are no longer interested in the product in question. This does not happen with a memory. We look back on it and we enjoy it and cherish it for many years to come.
It is a lot easier to choose an experience gift – Experience gifts are easier to choose because you can plan a day you know the other person is going to love. If they like sports, you can look into sports packages. Big events like Wimbledon and Silverstone Grand Prix are ideal. Not only can you get corporate hospitality packages, but regular buyers can enjoy lavish experiences too if you are looking for something extra special. If they like music, you can book concert or festival tickets, like Red Hot Cili Peppers 2022 Stadium Tour. There are experiences for everyone.
You can benefit from it too – This is a bit of a cheeky one, but the great thing about an experience gift is that you can go along and have some fun too. Not only do you get to have fun, but also you will create a stronger social connection with the person in question.
We get more excited about experiences – Humans get more excited about experiences. We enjoy having something to look forward to. The person you buy an experience for will be excited from the moment they get the gift until the day they attend. After that, they will feel happy whenever they remember the occasion. It is the gift that keeps on giving.
Forget the competition – You do not need to worry about someone buying the recipient the same gift as you. You do not need to worry that your present will not be as good as anyone else’s. There is no competition when you give someone an experience rather than an object!
As you can see, there are a number of reasons why you should consider giving someone an experience rather than buying him or her a product as a gift. What could be a better present than giving someone a memory that they will be able to cherish for a lifetime?

Editor-in-Chief | Seat42F, a leading source of entertainment news, information, television and movie resources.