, the culture and entertainment site from the team behind New York magazine, has launched its first app for the iPhone—Vulture Clickables, featuring the web’s best viral videos, songs, trailers, and clips, as chosen by Vulture editors. Clickables are one of the most popular editorial features on the site and easily consumed on the go, with video, audio, and images. The free app is available via the iTunes store at this link:
Features of the app include:
Full-screen views of the latest viral videos, movie trailers, funny TV clips and mash-ups;
Songs, performances and music videos from Vulture’s favorite singers and bands;
Editor’s Picks screen, to quickly catch up on the best viral content out there;
Favorites screen, where you can visit your favorite Clickables again and again;
Main feed filters, so you can filter by the category that interests you most: TV & Viral Videos, Movies & Trailers, Music, Books, Art & Theater;
Facebook, Twitter and email functionality to share your favorite Clickables with your friends and social network.
Among the most popular Clickables posts since the feature’s inception are: Steve Carell’s Giant Office Good-bye Cake; Star Wars Re-created in Paper Animation; 50 Cent Shoveling Snow; Daniel Radcliffe Singing the Entire Periodic Table in Front of Colin Farrell and Rihanna; a Montage of Infomercial ‘You’re Doing It Wrong’s’; and Ben & Jerry’s New Ron Swanson–Flavored Ice Cream.
Vulture Clickables joins these other mobile apps from parent company New York Media: MenuPages for iPhone and Android, New York magazine for iPad, blogs for Android, and The Cut on the Runway for iPad, which was named iPad app of the week by iTunes in February. The apps are consistently sold out for advertising.