Millie Bobby Brown

Millie Bobby Brown And Henry Cavill Reprise Roles In The Sequel To ENOLA HOLMES
A sequel to the film Enola Holmes is being developed and produced by Legendary in partnership with Netflix after Netflix acquired the ...

Netflix Drops ENOLA HOLMES Character Posters
England, 1884 – a world on the brink of change. On the morning of her 16th birthday, Enola Holmes (Millie ...

Millie Bobby Brown To Star In And Produce THE GIRLS I’VE BEEN For Netflix
Netflix is adapting Tess Sharpe’s novel The Girls I’ve Been into a feature film. Cast: Millie Bobby Brown attached to ...

Netflix Developing A TIME LOST Based On An Original Story By Millie Bobby Brown And Sister Paige Brown
Netflix is currently developing A Time Lost based on an original story by sisters Millie Bobby Brown and Paige Brown ...