The official trailer for the Shawn Mendes documentary, “In Wonder”, was released today.“In Wonder” follows Shawn Mendes’ journey toward self-discovery, after the physical and emotional demands of his rise, and his last world tour, pushed him towards a personal and musical reckoning. The documentary is a heartfelt look at a songwriter and performer wrestling with the pressures of stardom and the emotional tolls of coming-of-age while the world watches. Largely framed around his rise and recent tour, the film offers unprecedented access to Mendes’ private life both at home, and while traveling across North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia, and features years of footage as he rose from precocious troubadour to global superstar.
The debut feature length documentary, a TIFF special event selection, is executive produced by Andrew Gertler & Shawn Mendes, Ben Winston for Fulwell73, and is produced by Saul Germaine, p.g.a and James Haygood, with Associate Producers Leo Pearlman & Zack Hayden, in association with Island Films & Polygram, with additional executive producers Michele Anthony, Darcus Beese & Dave Harris. The film will be released on Netflix on November 23rd. This announcement comes on the heels of the release of “Wonder,” the title track off Mendes’ forthcoming album.
About Shawn Mendes:
GRAMMY nominated Toronto born multi-platinum singer/songwriter Shawn Mendes just released his brand new single and title track of his highly anticipated upcoming album Wonder. His self-titled third album was released in May 2018 to rave reviews. The certified platinum album debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200 Chart as well as multiple additional worldwide markets. It shot to #1 on iTunes in more than 80 countries immediately upon release. The album became one of the top best-selling album debuts of 2018 and made Shawn the third youngest solo artist to ever have three consecutive #1 albums. Shawn was nominated in two categories for the 61st annual GRAMMY® Awards, including “Song of the Year” for “In My Blood” and “Best Pop Vocal Album” for SHAWN MENDES. Last year, Shawn was nominated for a GRAMMY for “Best Pop Duo/Group Performance” for his single with Camila Cabello, “Señorita.” The song debuted at #1 on iTunes worldwide and broke Spotify’s record for the biggest debut from a male/female duet in its history, going on to become the most streamed song on Spotify in 2019. The hit nabbed the #1 spot on Billboard’s Hot 100 Chart as well as #1 at Top 40 & Hot AC Radio. Last summer Shawn debuted his certified platinum single, “If I Can’t Have You,” at #1 on iTunes and #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. With “Señorita” at #1 and “If I Can’t Have You” at #2, Shawn is the first male solo artist ever to simultaneously hold the #1 and #2 place on the Top 40 chart. In April 2017, Shawn released his 3x platinum hit “There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back.” The track scored Shawn his second #1 single at Top 40 radio and on Billboard’s Pop Songs chart, joining his 7x platinum single “Stitches.” Throughout his career, Shawn has achieved 3 consecutive #1 album debuts, 3 platinum albums, and 11+ consecutive platinum and multi-platinum singles. Worldwide, he has sold over 20 million albums, 175 million singles, and has amassed over 31 billion strong streams and over 8 billion YouTube views. Shawn has completed two sold-out world tours with over one million tickets sold, selling out legendary stadiums and arenas including NYC’s Madison Square Garden and London’s O2 Arena in minutes. On his most recent tour, he sold out his first ever stadium show in minutes at Rogers Centre in his hometown of Toronto. The tour began in March 2019, with over 100 dates across the UK, Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia and Australia/New Zealand. Shawn has nearly 50 Billion global streams and 8.6 billion video views. He topped Billboard’s “21 Under 21” in 2017 and 2018 and has been featured on Forbes “30 Under 30,” Spotify’s “25 Under 25,” and Time Magazine’s “Time 100 Most Influential”. In 2018, ROI Influencer Media recognized Shawn as the #1 Most Influential Artist and #1 Most Influential Teen across all social media platforms.
In 2019 Shawn launched The Shawn Mendes Foundation, which seeks to inspire Shawn’s audience, the youth generation of today—to learn about those causes that they are passionate about, and help empower them to use the voice they have to bring change to the world by taking action & giving back. As part of its ongoing mission, the Foundation provides resources and support to amplify the voices, messages, and platforms of young leaders driving positive change.
His fourth album, Wonder, will be released on December 4, 2020.
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