BOB’S BURGERS Season 7 Episode 3 Photos Teen-A-Witch

With Halloween quickly approaching, Tina reveals her brilliant idea that will finally win her first place in the annual costume contest. When Tammy steals her idea, Tina is forced to seek the help of Mr. Ambrose, who leads her to alternate and other-worldly methods of winning. Meanwhile, Bob is on a mission to figure out who is stealing his perfectly crafted pumpkins. Don’t miss the all-new “Teen-A-Witch” Halloween episode of BOB’S BURGERS airing Sunday, Oct. 23 (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

BOB’S BURGERS Season 7 Episode 3 Photos Teen-A-Witch

S6 613 Bobs Teen A Witch 02 03 copy hires2
BOB’S BURGERS: Bob is on a mission to figure out who is stealing his perfectly crafted pumpkins in the “Teen-a-Witch” episode of BOB’S BURGERS airing Sunday, Oct. 23 (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS ™ and © 2016 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CR: FOX


S6 613 Bobs Teen A Witch 04B 24 hires2
BOB’S BURGERS: In efforts to beat Tammy in the annual Halloween costume contest, Tina is forced to seek out alternate and other-worldly methods of winning in the “Teen-a-Witch” episode of BOB’S BURGERS airing Sunday, Oct. 23 (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS ™ and © 2016 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CR: FOX


S6 613 Bobs Teen A Witch 05A 04 hires2
BOB’S BURGERS: In efforts to beat Tammy in the annual Halloween costume contest, Tina is forced to seek out alternate and other-worldly methods of winning in the “Teen-a-Witch” episode of BOB’S BURGERS airing Sunday, Oct. 23 (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS ™ and © 2016 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CR: FOX


S6 613 Bobs Teen A Witch 05A 06 hires2
BOB’S BURGERS: In efforts to beat Tammy in the annual Halloween costume contest, Tina is forced to seek out alternate and other-worldly methods of winning in the “Teen-a-Witch” episode of BOB’S BURGERS airing Sunday, Oct. 23 (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS ™ and © 2016 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CR: FOX


Bob's Burgers Season 6 Halloween
BOB’S BURGERS: In efforts to beat Tammy in the annual Halloween costume contest, Tina is forced to seek out alternate and other-worldly methods of winning in the “Teen-a-Witch” episode of BOB’S BURGERS airing Sunday, Oct. 23 (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS ™ and © 2016 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CR: FOX