Weekend Box Office Results June 27th 2021 – ComScore Box Office Essentials® is the movie industry’s census-based currency, collecting, processing and reporting on how many people go to the movies and how much they spend in virtually every theater in North America.
Every major studio, mini-major and prominent independent film distributor in the industry uses comScore’s real-time and geographic-specific box office information that provides users with instant analysis of nearly the entire domestic box office landscape. Primarily collected through an electronic connection with thousands of theater box offices, comScore’s box office intelligence is accessible via online reports from anywhere around the world, allowing users to literally watch the virtual minute-by-minute sale of tickets.
Source : © comScore 2021 – Content in comScore Theatrical box office updates is produced and/or compiled by comScore and its Box Office Essentials® theatrical box office data collection and analytical service, and is covered by provisions of the Copyright Act.
The material presented herein is intended to be available for public use. You may reproduce the content of the box office updates in any format or medium without first obtaining permission, subject to the following requirements: (1) the material must be reproduced accurately; and (2) any publication or issuance of any part of the material to others must acknowledge comScore as the source of the material.
Weekend Box Office Results June 27th 2021

Editor-in-Chief | Seat42F, a leading source of entertainment news, information, television and movie resources.