USA was the #1 network in January 2010, registering double-digit victories with +16% more P25-54 (1.45 million), +13% more P18-49 (1.34 million), +20% more total viewers (3.27 million) +24% more households (2.42 million) than the #2 ESPN. USA was also the top network in Januarys P18-34 cable prime delivery, with 6% more P18-34 (598,000) than #2 TBS, and the basic cable network with the largest household coverage rating (2.44, +0.47 over #2 ESPN).USA delivered more total viewers and households this month than any cable network has ever averaged in a month of January, beating USAs own records set in 2009.
USA continues to out-perform The CW, delivering more than twice the number of P25-54 (+109%) and total viewers (+140%) as the broadcaster while registering double-digit victories among P18-49 (+77%) and P18-34 (+36%). USA registered victories over Broadcast in 59 primetime (M-Su 8P-11P) hours this month, with new episodes of USA Originals WHITE COLLAR, PSYCH, and BURN NOTICE, WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW, hit movies, and episodes of the hottest acquired series on cable, NCIS, LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT, and HOUSE.
Three of the top five P25-54 series on cable in January were on USA, led by a new season of BURN NOTICE at #1 among both P25-54 (2.52 million) and P18-49 (2.52 million). WHITE COLLAR and PSYCH both found success on new nights this month with Tuesdays WHITE COLLAR, taking in 2.01 million in P25-54 and 1.93 million in P18-49 while PSYCHs new Wednesday 10P slot drew 2 million in P25-54 and 1.91 million P18-49.
The mid-season premiere of WHITE COLLAR hit series highs with 2.12 million in P18-49 and its second best numbers ever, behind the fall finale, in P25-54 (2.21 million). The last time more P25-54 or households tuned into this time period on USA was for the 2003 Westminster Dog Show. This was the biggest P18-49 audience to the time period on USA since 12/14/04 and the best total viewer audience since 2/15/05. More men watched the WHITE COLLAR mid-season premiere than anything else in this timeslot since June 12, 2001.
BURN NOTICE and PSYCH had impressive P18-34 performances this month as BURN NOTICE brought in its top episode to date for this demo on January 28 and PSYCH had its 2nd best ever for the January 27 mid-season premiere.
The top acquired series on cable aired on USA in January, led by NCIS at #1 with 1.73 million in P25-54, 1.37 million in P18-49, 4.41 million total viewers, and 3.28 million households. LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT was the 2nd most popular acquired series this month among P25-54 (1.31 million), P18-49 (1.28 million), total viewers (3.01 million), and households (2.39 million) while HOUSE was #3 in P25-54 (1.11 million).
USA Network is the #1 network in all of basic cable and is seen in over 98.5 million U.S. homes. A division of NBC Universal, USA is the cable television leader in original series and home to the best in blockbuster theatrical films, acquired television series and entertainment events. The award-winning USA website is located at Characters Welcome.