“The Shannara Chronicles” is an epic television event based on the sweeping, best-selling fantasy book series by Terry Brooks. Set thousands of years in our future, the story follows three heroes, Amberle, an Elvin Princess, Eretria, a Human Rover, and Wil, a Half-Elf, Half-Human, as they embark on a quest to stop an evil Demon army from destroying our world.
The stellar producing team attached to the series includes Al Gough and Miles Millar as Writers and Executive Producers. Jon Favreau, Jonathan Liebesman, Terry Brooks and Dan Farah also serve as Executive Producers. Additionally, the first two episodes were directed by Jonathan Liebesman (“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”). MTV is producing with Sonar Entertainment.
THE SHANNARA CHRONICLES Comic-Con Interviews With Ivana Baquero, Manu Bennett, Austin Butler, Poppy Drayton, Al Gough and Miles Millar
ENTERTAINMENT REPORTER | She covers events such as San Diego Comic-Con, WonderCon and press junkets, as well as covering events at the Paley Center in Beverly Hills. Having worked in the entertainment industry for over the past 10 years, she is familiar with all facets of the industry and is one of its biggest cheerleaders