The Presidents DVD

Seat42f and The History Channel have teamed up to give TWO lucky winners a copy of THE PRESIDENTS on DVD. For a chance to win leave a comment below telling us why you want to add THE PRESIDENTS to your DVD collection. Only one entry per person. Contest ends April 30th. Winners will be notified on May 1st via email so make sure to use a valid email address when you post your comment.


Based on James McPherson’s Pulitzer prize winning book, To the Best of My Ability, THE PRESIDENTS is the most comprehensive documentary series ever filmed about the presidency, chronicling all 44 Commanders in Chief — from George Washington to Barack Obama.
This definitive and comprehensive eight-part series, narrated by actor Edward Herrmann, shares the stories of the distinctive individuals who have guided America throughout its history—their powerful personalities, weaknesses, and major achievements.  Featuring rare and unseen photographs and footage, unexpected insight and trivia from journalists, scholars, and politicians such as Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley, Wesley Clark, Bob Dole, and former President Jimmy Carter, the Presidency has never seemed more compelling and human.  As the 2012 election cycle gets into high gear, A+E Networks has beautifully repackaged this best-selling set, now 50% slimmer, and included a bonus DVD – the feature-length documentary “All the Presidents’ Wives”, as well as a tour of national historic sites and rare presidential artifacts.  Viewed within the changing contexts of each administration, this four-DVD set offers unparalleled insight into the men who have presided over the Oval Office.