In the latest Hallmark Channel “Spring Fling” film, Nikki DeLoach reunites on screen with her “A Christmas Dream” co-star Andrew Walker to bring a heart-warming tale of love and discovery in THE PERFECT CATCH. Nikki always gives here whole heart to her roles and that is probably why it is with pleasure that we follow her throughout her career. You cannot help but feel her love and passion and it makes us want to be a part of the story she shares with us. In an exclusive interview, Nikki DeLoach talks about the appeal of this new Hallmark movie, as well as getting to be a part of the Hallmark family.
What initially appealed to you about the role of Jessica and working on Hallmark’s THE PERFECT CATCH?
NIKKI: Well, first off, I love working for Hallmark. They are so good to me and my family. So, saying yes to them is easy. With that said, I also loved the character of Jessica. I think she represents a lot of people out there who have given up on a dream because life responsibilities needed to come first, whether that be taking care of family, children, financial stress. I especially loved the fact that she realized, in the end, that it’s never too late to make your dreams come true.
How would you describe your character Jessica?
NIKKI: She’s incredibly responsible, positive, loyal, a great mother, a good friend. She has a quick wit and is not afraid of using it (which I love).
What did you enjoy about portraying Jessica in THE PERFECT CATCH?
NIKKI: There are always lessons in every character I play. Or at least I try and glean a lesson. From Jessica, I was reminded of the beauty of vulnerability and a open heart. As much as she’s gone through in life, her heart is still open and vulnerable, which I find to be a very beautiful and brave thing.
What has been your favorite part about workingTHE PERFECT CATCH? Any favorite scenes?
NIKKI: Besides the fact that I loved the character, I really loved the group of actors I was fortunate enough to work with. I’ve worked with Andrew Walker and Lisa Durupt both twice now. We are family. I seriously love and adore both of them. When I’m with Lisa, we don’t stop laughing. Ever.
Then what has been the one thing you as an actor haven taken away from working on THE PERFECT CATCH?
NIKKI: The weather. Oh boy, it was rough. It is a movie that is supposed to take place in the Spring, and it rained every single day except for one. The one day it didn’t rain, we were off. It also snowed the entire first week or so on TOP of raining everyday. It even hailed a couple of days. So we would literally have a 30 minute break in the rain, have to rush outside, shoot 1-2 takes of a scene and then that’s all we’d get. We were up against bad weather. I won’t be taking that away with me. But I will take away the positive attitudes that everyone kept during the whole process. The crew just kept working hard.
What do you hope viewers take away from watching THE PERFECT CATCH?
NIKKI: Well, there are two lessons in this movie. There’s Jessica’s lesson and Chase’s lesson. Jessica learns that it’s never too late to go after your dreams. Chase learns that all the money, fame, and success in the world won’t bring you happiness. However, having love, family, and friends just might do the trick when it comes to building a happy life. I think those are two very good takeaways.
THE PERFECT CATCH reunites you with Andrew Walker with whom you also costarred in “A Dream Of Christmas.” How fun was that for the both of you?
NIKKI: The best. Seriously. Like I said before, we are like family. We argue and adore each other like family. Plus, our lives are very similar. We both have young children, spouses we’ve been in long, loving relationships with. It was great to be reunited on this movie.
What is the best part of getting to work with an actor with whom you have worked previously?
NIKKI: It was especially important in a movie like this where the two characters have a long history together. Jessica and Chase were high school sweethearts. So, even though of course we did the work on our characters, that familiarity was there from day one. Plus, when I act like a crazy person, he knows it’s just because I’ve had no sleep or too much sugar. 🙂
What are the positive aspects of being part of the growing Hallmark family for you?
NIKKI: Where do I begin?!!! I know I said it before, but I absolutely love working with Hallmark. They really do practice what they preach as a company. And everyone you work with there starting from the top with Bill Abbot, Randy Pope, and Michelle Vicary through all of their creative execs, Penny Perry who does their casting…I’ve never been treated with such kindness and thoughtfulness. Plus, on set, I’ve had nothing but wonderful experiences working for them. Also, I love the fact that my entire family can sit down and watch one of my Hallmark movies. My sister can have Hallmark on while she’s cooking and my nieces, who are 7 & 8, can be watching right along with her. Hallmark is one of the only networks doing that, and I think that’s really special. I like being a part of that kind of family.
At this stage of your career, what do you think you have learned from the amazing variety of roles and projects you have worked on?
NIKKI: I feel like I’ve only scratched the service! There’s so much humanity out there to bring to life! I love being a story teller. I’ve been very fortunate to tell such a wide variety of stories in the many diverse characters I’ve played. It’s an actors dream to do that. But, I’m always looking for that next character that I can breathe into.
If there were one role you would like to revisit, which would it be and why?
NIKKI: Well, I would love to revisit MJ on NORTH SHORE because the series shot in Hawaii. I mean, duh. I miss Lacey Hamilton on AWKWARD. every single day. I’d revisit her in a heartbeat. She will always hold a special place in my heart. There was definitely a fun arc to be had on GREY”S ANATOMY with Charlotte that I didn’t get to explore. Honestly, I could revisit a lot of the characters I’ve played. I’ve just be super lucky.
Do any of your characters and the situations they find themselves in ever leave a lasting impression on you?
NIKKI: So many. Like I said, I always try to learn and grow from each character. But one in particular really left a lasting impression, and that’s Corporal Laura Day on MAJOR CRIMES. She had been raped in the military, and never received any justice. Learning how many women who are sexual assaulted and raped in the military broke my heart. Then, learning how many perpetrators get away with those crimes was even more devastating. The writers and producers trusted me with an extremely important story, and I’ll never forget it, nor will I ever forget the real women who are the real victims of such horrific abuse.
What do you consider to be one of your proudest accomplishments as a working actor?
NIKKI: This might sound weird, but getting my college degree is one of my proudest accomplishments as an actor. I chipped away at my degree for years while working full time. It was exhausting but I’m so proud of that diploma. Also, I’m pretty grounded and I’ve got my head on straight. Which is not an easy thing to do when you’ve been in the entertainment business since you were a kid. I’m not jaded. If fact, I’m more excited and grateful for my work then I’ve ever been. I like the human that I am, and I am very proud of that.
Do you have any other upcoming projects that you can share that fans should keep an eye out for?
NIKKI: I’m doing quite a bit of developing right now. Wish me luck!
At a time when women’s voices are rising to be heard and respected around the country and world, what do you recommend your fans do to lend support in that endeavor?
NIKKI: I absolutely LOVE this question. LOVE. This is a very big deal to me. I think every woman can start by supporting their fellow woman. Lift her up, cheer her on, be her biggest fan. I’ve always said this, but no one knows what it’s like to be a woman like another woman. If we don’t support each other, no one else will. I’ve always been a champion of other women. However, after becoming a mother, I am even more in awe of women! We are spectacular beings, and together, we really can change the world. In fact, I’m a founding member of an organization called “iWe.” We are fighting for gender equality in the entertainment industry. To know more, please follow us on social media:
Twitter: joiniWe
By the way, men are just as important to our movement. We need your (men) support. We need men to stand by our side, fighting for equality with us. I have a son and I always say I’m raising a feminist. He will have lots of choices in life, but he won’t have a choice in that department.
Thank you so much for that important question. It really means a lot to me.
To see all the fun Nikki and Andrew have as they bring yet another romantic tale of love to our screens, be sure to tune in for the premiere of THE PERFECT CATCH on Saturday, April 22nd at 9:00 p.m. on Hallmark Channel. Then also take a moment to check out the “iWe” social media and see if you can contribute or get involved with their work. It would mean a lot to Nikki and is worth your time. In the meantime, it will be great to see what next great adventure and project Nikki brings to life for all of us to enjoy together. So be sure to follow Nikki on Twitter @nikkideloach for updates!
SENIOR ENTERTAINMENT REPORTER | Tiffany covers events such as San Diego Comic-Con, WonderCon and press junkets, as well as covering events at the Paley Center in Beverly Hills. She has a great love for television and believes that entertainment is a world of wondrous adventures that deserves to be shared and explored. Tiffany is one of the newest members to the prestigious Television Critics Association and is happy to be able to share her passion for television shows with an even wider audience of fans and her fellow critics..