TakeFiveGal Best Season Finales


chuck nerd herd cast

Here we are at the end of the 2008-2009 season, and it’s amazing what’s gone down!  Some of my favorite shows are gone for good, and some ended with a rather lackluster finale that left me going “meh?” instead of “Oh. My. God.” (I’m talking to you 24).  Here are my five favorite finales from the full season (note: I wanted to include Pushing Daisies, but it technically hasn’t aired yet.  So consider that an honorable mention.  It’s fantastic.) –

1.    Battlestar Galactica – I know this was a few months ago and people have probably forgotten all about it at this point, but this episode made me CRY MY EYES OUT!  There were some shaky story endings, and some characters went in ways that I didn’t want them to go, but at the core, this was the series finale of series finales, and it made me relieved and happy and sad, and excited for Caprica, and just a whole mess of emotions in a 2ish hour time span.  Brilliant.

2.    Lost – Another great episode that, incidentally, made me cry my eyes out.  This finale didn’t pack the usual punch that previous Lost finales have packed, but I am 100% on board with whatever these writers and actors are going to throw at us in the next 17 episodes.  Introducing Mark Pellegrino as Jacob was just fantastic – he’s one of my favorite actors – and I can’t wait to see what happens with the Titus Welliver / “Esau” / Fake Locke character next year!

3.    Friday Night Lights – The best show on television had one of the greatest finales, in that it was just another day in Dillon, TX.  It left me wanting more, unsure of the future, in love with the characters, and heartbroken for what’s happening to the Taylors.  At the same time, I am so excited for what will be a rejuvenated Seasons 4 and 5, now that Coach Eric Taylor has become his own rival.  Just amazing.  This show (murder plot aside) can do no wrong.

4.    Chuck – “Guys, I know Kung Fu” will reign supreme as one of the best ending lines to a finale in a long time!  The show really picked up steam in the final batch of episodes, delivering some of my favorite Chuck moments of all time – I’m SO glad it wasn’t a series finale, and cannot wait to see where this show goes from here!

5.    Grey’s Anatomy – After all of the Dead Denny crap that they threw at us, I most definitely did not think that this show would ever be back on a Take Five (aside from maybe a “5 quickest declines column).  But damn it if this finale didn’t make me, again, surprise surprise, a ball of tears on the couch, wondering where they could possibly go.  I’m a cynic, so I kind of knew right away that it was George.  The minute he grabbed Mer’s hand the first time, not the second, I texted my bro and said “George!” but even knowing, I was so thrown by the whole thing.  It was well acted on all sides, and made me remember why my love for this show was so strong.