“Stescalade” –The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network.
QUANTICO Season 2 Episode 3 Photos Stescalade
QUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) JAKE MCLAUGHLINQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) YASMINE AL MASSRIQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) RUSSELL TOVEYQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) DAVID LIMQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) JAKE MCLAUGHLIN, DAVID LIM, PEARL THUSI, AARON DIAZ, RUSSELL TOVEY, HELÉNE YORKEQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PEARL THUSI, JAKE MCLAUGHLIN, DAVID LIM, TRACY IFEACHORQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) JAKE MCLAUGHLINQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PEARL THUSI, JAKE MCLAUGHLIN, RUSSELL TOVEYQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PEARL THUSIQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) YASMINE AL MASSRIQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) YASMINE AL MASSRI, JAKE MCLAUGHLINQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) YASMINE AL MASSRI, JAKE MCLAUGHLINQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) HELÉNE YORKE, RUSSELL TOVEQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) YASMINE AL MASSRIQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) HELÉNE YORKE, JAKE MCLAUGHLIN, RUSSELL TOVEYQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) RUSSELL TOVEYQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) HELÉNE YORKE, RUSSELL TOVEYQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) HELÉNE YORKE, JAKE MCLAUGHLIN, RUSSELL TOVEYQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) HELÉNE YORKE, JAKE MCLAUGHLIN, RUSSELL TOVEYQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) DAVID LIM, AARON DIAZ, PRIYANKA CHOPRA, HELENE YORKE, RUSSELL TOVEY, PEARL THUSI, JAKE MCLAUGHLINQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) AARON DIAZQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) DAVID LIM, AARON DIAZQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) DAVID LIM, PEARL THUSIQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) CAST AND CREWQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) AARON DIAZQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PEARL THUSIQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) DAVID LIM, PEARL THUSI, TRACY IFEACHOR, AARON DIAZ, HELÉNE YORKE, RUSSELL TOVEYQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) DAVID LIM, PEARL THUSI, TRACY IFEACHOR, AARON DIAZQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PRIYANKA CHOPRAQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) HELENE YORKEQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) CANDI BOYDQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) JASON TOTTENHAM, BLAIR UNDERWOODQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) AARON DIAZ, HELENE YORKE, RUSSELL TOVEY, PEARL THUSIQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) AARON DIAZQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) DAVID LIMQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) JAKE MCLAUGHLINQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) RUSSELL TOVEYQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PEARL THUSIQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) DAVID LIMQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) JAKE MCLAUGHLIN, DAVID LIM, HELENE YORKEQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) DAVID LIMQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) DAVID LIM, RUSSELL TOVEY, PEARL THUSI, HELENE YORKEQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PEARL THUSI, JAKE MCLAUGHLIN, DAVID LIM, HELENE YORKEQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PRIYANKA CHOPRAQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) AARON DIAZ, PRIYANKA CHOPRAQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) JAKE MCLAUGHLIN, DAVID LIMQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) DAVID LIMQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PRIYANKA CHOPRAQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PEARL THUSIQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PRIYANKA CHOPRAQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PEARL THUSI, RUSSELL TOVEYQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PEARL THUSIQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PEARL THUSI, JAKE MCLAUGHLIN, DAVID LIMQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) BLAIR UNDERWOOD, PEARL THUSI, JAKE MCLAUGHLIN, DAVID LIMQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PRIYANKA CHOPRA, RUSSELL TOVEYQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) BLAIR UNDERWOODQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) BLAIR UNDERWOODQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PRIYANKA CHOPRA, AARON DIAZQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) BLAIR UNDERWOODQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) PRIYANKA CHOPRA, JAKE MCLAUGHLINQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) AARON DIAZQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) AARON DIAZQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) RUSSELL TOVEYQUANTICO – “Stescalade” – The new CIA recruits continue training at The Farm focusing on assessment, while in the future, Alex goes undercover to infiltrate the terrorist group holding everyone hostage where she is shocked to discover not everyone is a stranger on “Quantico,” airing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Giovanni Rufino) HELENE YORKE