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NURSE JACKIE Season 5 Episode 5 Good Thing Photos : Jackie starts her day telling Grace she’s not allowed to go to a school dance with her boyfriend. Jackie is nervous about her date with Frank later that night. Zoey and Thor decide they’ll help her get ready and Eddie offers her some friendly pointers. A dancer comes in with a hurt knee. Prentiss diagnoses it as a sprain and discharges him but Akalitus and Coop catch his spiral fracture just as he’s about to leave. Carrie sexually rewards Coop for his catch. Prentiss and Zoey work in perfect harmony on a pregnant gunshot victim who collapses in the waiting room. Later that night, Jackie and Frank skip the fancy restaurant in favor of a pub. It’s a great date with a good guy. All is going well until Jackie’s phone rings: It’s Mike Cruz, urging her to lose the date. She follows Cruz to his apartment and he confronts her about calling Charlie’s phone. He falls apart talking about Charlie. A moment of shared grief turns into connection and need and they have sex. At the same time, Grace and her friends sneak out to the dance and a surprise police raid separates Grace from Danny and all of her friends. Alone on the streets of New York, Grace frantically tries calling Jackie but all of her calls go to voicemail. Back at Cruz’s apartment, Jackie notices her missed calls and rushes out to pick up Grace.