Molly Parker's television series credits include regular roles in the series "Deadwood" and "Twitch City," and a recurring role in the series "Six Feet Under." Among her additional television credits are lead roles in the movies "Iron Jawed Angels" and "Serving in Silence," and the mini-series "Intensity."
Parker's extensive feature film credits include "Hollywoodland," "Who Loves the Sun," "Nine Lives," "Pure," "Sunshine," "Waking the Dead," "The Wicker Man," "Wonderland," "Looking for Leonard," "Rare Birds," "Suspicious River" and "The Five Senses." Parker received a Genie Award for best actress in her feature film debut in "Kissed." She received Genie Award nominations for her roles in "Men With Brooms" "Last Wedding" and "Marion Bridge," and an Independent Spirit Award nomination for her role in "Center of the World."
Born in Vancouver, Canada, Parker currently lives in Los Angeles. Her birth date is July 17.