This year’s event, beginning at a special 7:30 PM start time, will be bigger and more ambitious than ever. The one-of-a-kind charity special will feature incredible international artists and sports figures including Bono, Brad Pitt, Reese Witherspoon, Miley Cyrus, Eli Manning, Peyton Manning, Mariah Carey, Fergie, Chris Daughtry, Carrie Underwood, Annie Lennox, John Legend and Snoop Dogg. Additional artists scheduled to appear to be announced.
During the show, viewers will be able to make donations via toll-free lines and the Internet. The money raised by the charity special will be distributed by IDOL GIVES BACK to the following beneficiaries:
Children's Defense Fund www.childrensdefense.org For 35 years the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) has worked relentlessly to ensure a level playing field for all children by lifting them out of poverty, protecting them from abuse and neglect, and ensuring access to health care, quality education, and a moral and spiritual foundation to help them succeed with the help of caring adults and communities. Begun in 1973, CDF is a private, nonprofit organization supported by foundation and corporate grants and individual donations and does not take government funds.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria www.jointheglobalfund.org Bono has campaigned in the United States and around the world on behalf of the Global Fund with his two organizations: ONE, which lobbies governments, and (RED), which targets the private sector for contributions. The Global Fund is the world’s leading funder of programs to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, which together kill over 6 million people per year. Created in 2002, the Global Fund has approved 450 grants to programs worth $7 billion in 136 countries. Of this, $2.3 billion has been committed to AIDS programs in Africa. As of December 2006, Global Fund-financed programs had put 770,000 people on antiretroviral (ARV) treatment; distributed 18 million insecticide-treated bed nets to combat malaria; and detected and treated more than 2 million TB cases, which are rising sharply due to co-infection with HIV. All Global Fund-financed programs support 2 million orphans around the world.
Make It Right www.makeitrightnola.org In December 2007, Brad Pitt launched a national fundraising campaign to help New Orleans recover from the lasting devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. MAKE IT RIGHT is committed to building 150 houses in the Lower Ninth Ward, and ensuring a green, affordable, sustainable and replicable community to serve as a model for further rebuilding throughout the city.
Malaria No More www.malarianomore.org Malaria No More's mission is simple: to end deaths due to malaria. Although it is preventable and treatable, malaria continues to kill more children in Africa than any other disease, claiming more than 1 million lives a year. Malaria No More works to raise the profile of this crisis among the public, policymakers, and businesses, while engaging the private sector to provide life-saving mosquito nets and other critical interventions to families in Africa. Through the support of Idol Gives Back 2007, Malaria No More has protected more than a million mothers and children from malaria to date in Uganda, Zambia, Angola, Madagascar, and Mali.
Save the Children www.savethechildren.org Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating real and lasting change for children in need in the United States and around the world. Save the Children’s U.S. Programs focus on underserved rural areas, where one in five children lives in poverty. Partnering with schools and community organizations, Save the Children provides high quality early childhood education services for children from birth to age five and literacy, physical activity and nutrition programs for children in kindergarten through eighth grade, benefiting over 35,000 children nationwide. Save the Children’s work in the United States also includes emergency preparedness, response and recovery. When a disaster strikes, Save the Children deploys trained teams to help displaced children and families and provide more secure environments. In addition, Save the Children works with local, state and national governments to ensure that the unique needs of children are integral in emergency response plans.
Children’s Health Fund www.childrenshealthfund.org Founded in 1987 by singer/songwriter Paul Simon, and pediatrician/advocate Irwin Redlener, MD, the Children’s Health Fund (CHF) is committed to providing health care to the nation's most medically under-served children and their families through the development and support of innovative medical programs, response to public health crises, and the promotion of guaranteed access to appropriate health care for all children. They partner with major academic medical centers to deliver health care to disadvantaged children and families in both rural and urban areas across the country.
The brainchild of Simon Fuller, IDOL GIVES BACK has been recognized as a life-changing program, earning praise from many of the world’s best known figures including President George W. Bush, HRH Prince Charles and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Last season, IDOL GIVES BACK garnered a prestigious Governor’s Award Emmy and raised more than $76 million for charity. The star-studded special featured performances from the AMERICAN IDOL stage, where Ryan Seacrest hosted alongside judges Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell.