Ghost Hunters

Ghost Hunters

If you had asked me last summer whether I was excited for the Ghost Hunters Season premiere, I think I might have laughed at you or said “have you met me?” Cut to September 2008, and the most amazing trip ever – a ghost hunt with Jason, Grant, Steve, Kris, and Tango!  Now here I am a year later and I’ve watched every single episode, most of them more than 2 times, and I’ve been counting down the days until tonight’s season premiere!

In the episodes that Syfy sent along for review, Jason, Grant, and the team are up to the usual investigations, and find some really cool stuff.  In 509 (“Inhuman Entity”), TAPS heads to Blackstone, Massachusetts, to the Ladoucer House, in an effort to figure out just what the evil spirit haunting the family is after!  The second investigation takes them to Brentsville Historic Centre in Prince William County, Virginia and Jason makes contact of a different form!

Episode 510 takes them to Waldorf, Maryland, to the Samuel Mudd House.  Samuel Mudd was a conspirator in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and he has a message for TAPS!  They also get a thermal hit that freaked me out!  The second eval brings them down to Charles City, Virginia, for an investigation at the Edgewood Plantation.  Lots of apparitions (a woman, civil war soldiers) appear to a woman and her guests, so the team sets out for some debunking and Kris makes a shocking discovery at the local historian’s place!

Whether you believe in what they’re finding or not, the show is always entertaining, the team is a lot of fun, and it’s an easy and creepy way to pass the time!  Definitely check it out!  Also, I’m looking to start my own TAPS branch – any takers?


Premiere: Wednesday, August 19th on SyFy 9/8c