In the third episode of this new procedural thriller that explores the blurring line between the possible and the unimaginable, our unlikely trio investigates a horrific bus incident in which the dead bodies of commuters are frozen inside a bus like insects in amber. Led by the unconventional Dr. Bishop, who requests a piano in the lab to help him process data, the team uncovers a man who has visions of Pattern-related disturbances before they happen, and race to decipher the distraught man’s thoughts to prevent another atrocious event from occurring in “The Ghost Network” episode of FRINGE airing Tuesday, Sept. 23 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (FR-103) (TV-14 V)
Guest Cast: Zak Orth as Roy; Peter Hermann as Grant; David Lansbury as Businessman; Donnie Keshawarz as Gerard; Brian Tarantina as Nice Guy.