Seat42f and BBC have teamed up to give FIVE lucky winners a copy of DOCTOR WHO : SNAKEDANCE on DVD. For a chance to win leave a comment below telling us why you want to add DOCTOR WHO : SNAKEDANCE to your DVD collection. Only one entry per person. Contest ends April 29th. Winners will be notified on May 2nd via email so make sure to use a valid email address when you post your comment. Open to US and Canadian residents only.
DVD Release Date : April 12th, 2011
The TARDIS makes an unplanned landing on Manussa, where preparations are underway to celebrate the defeat of the Sumaran Empire 500 years earlier. But the ancient evil of the Mara lives on, and Tegan (Janet Fielding), who continues to be haunted by disturbing dreams since her time under the Windchimes on Deva Loka, is now a pawn in its plan to re-enter the physical world and subjugate the Manussan people. Only the Doctor can stop the Mara – but first he must convince the authorities that he is not just a deluded fool who believes in children’s fairytales.