Seat42f and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment have teamed up to give ONE lucky winner a copy of DALLAS : MOVIE COLLECTION on DVD. For a chance to win leave a comment telling us why you want to add DALLAS : MOVIE COLLECTION to your DVD library. Only one entry per person. Contest ends April 19th. Winner will be notified on April 20th via email so make sure to use a valid email address when you post your comment.
Release Date: April 12th, 2011
Big D gets even bigger with three movies and a cast reunion! From 1978 to 1991, the TV series Dallas grew legions of fans with compulsively watchable tales of greed, sex and schemes – most masterminded by smilin’ J.R. Ewing (Larry Hagman), the double-dealing oilman folks love to hate. Dallas was so popular, it also spawned the four exciting pieces in this special collection, starting with a prequel (The Early Years) that sets the stage for the drama to come. The other three, starring Hagman and more beloved cast members,include reunion movies (J. R. Returns, The War of the Ewings) that plunge a wheeling-dealing J.R. into plots to take over Ewing Oil and a fascinating retrospective (Return to Southfork) brimming with clips, outtakes, and reminiscences from your favorite Dallas stars.