This high-concept action comedy follows Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi, “Tangled”) as the Buy More computer geek turned secret agent. When Chuck unwittingly downloads a database of government information and deadly fighting skills into his head, he becomes the CIA’s most vital secret. This sets Chuck on a path to become a full-fledged spy, assisted by the stoic Colonel John Casey (Adam Baldwin, “Serenity”), Chuck’s best friend, Morgan Grimes (Joshua Gomez, “Without a Trace”), and the CIA’s top agent – and now Chuck’s wife – Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strahovski, “Killer Elite”).
With the help of this unlikely team and his unorthodox techniques, Chuck is ready to take Operation Bartowski freelance. Chuck’s spy abilities will be put to a new test when he and his team – now a private security company known as Carmichael Industries – must save mankind without the help of the CIA. Instead, they’ll use the cover of the Buy More electronics store to fund their own operations, leading to new missions, new stakes and new obstacles.
With Chuck and Sarah as newlyweds and his family in on his secret, it has never been harder for Chuck to separate his spy life from his personal life. Featuring an amazing ensemble cast and action unlike anything else on television, there is no mission too impossible for “Chuck.” Also starring are Sarah Lancaster (“What About Brian?”) as Chuck’s ever-supportive sister, Ellie; Ryan McPartlin (“Living with Fran”) as Devon Woodcomb (also known as “Captain Awesome”), Ellie’s husband; Chuck’s Buy More team, which consists of Big Mike (Mark Christopher Lawrence, “The Pursuit of Happyness”) and the Nerd Herd, including Lester (Vik Sahay, “Time Bomb”) and Jeff (Scott Krinsky, “The O.C.”).
Chuck is co-created by Josh Schwartz (“The O.C.,” “Gossip Girl”) and Chris Fedak and is executive-produced by Schwartz, McG (“Charlie’s Angels,” “Terminator Salvation”), Fedak, Robert Duncan McNeill and Nicholas Wootton. “Chuck” is produced by Fake Empire, Wonderland Sound and Vision, in association with Warner Bros. Television.
CHUCK Season 4 Episode 9 Chuck Versus Phase Three Photos
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