Catch Up With Your Favorite ABC Series

Ugly Betty Cast Photo

With original episodes of your favorite ABC shows returning in April, catch up with "Start Fresh: Quickies," brief refreshes that give an overview to date of all the previous seasons in just minutes! "Start Fresh: Quickies" are available on for "Brothers & Sisters," "Desperate Housewives," "Grey's Anatomy," "Lost," "Samantha Who?" and "Ugly Betty."

Get all of the latest Walker Family drama from "Brothers & Sisters" before its return Sunday, April 20 (10:00 p.m., ET). A first-hand account of the entire series is retold through the eyes of Rebecca Harper, the illegitimate child of William Walker and the newest sibling of the Walker Clan.

The ladies of Wisteria Lane are back! Get their complete history in the Desperate Housewives Gazette from an innocent bystander, the neighborhood's paperboy. Don't miss a moment of suburbanite gossip on "Desperate Housewives" when it returns Sunday, April 13 (9:00 p.m., ET).

Grey's Anatomy Quick Cut looks back at all the happenings at Seattle Grace Hospital before your favorite doctors return on an all-new episode of "Grey's Anatomy," Thursday, April 24 (9:00 p.m.. ET).
Why is Michael back? Who are the Oceanic Six? Find out the answers to these questions and more in Lost In 4:24 before the show returns Thursday, April 24 (10:00 p.m., ET).

Pillow Talk with Samantha Who? features Samantha's best friend, Andrea, explaining the retrograde amnesia that's left Samantha rediscovering who she is. New episodes of "Samantha Who?" begin Monday, April 7 (9:30 p.m. ET).

Are Betty and Henry back on track? Who is Amanda's father? Is Daniel really seeing Wilhelmina's sister? Find out all of the drama at Mode before new episodes return of "Ugly Betty" Thursday, April 24 (8:00 p.m. ET).